Category Page: PDF tools

1 - Compress PDF Files to Make Them Smaller

أغسطس 12th, 2022 by

In this digital world, we are blessed with devices that allow us to store our essential documents without locating them physically. These devices come up with considerable storage that allows us to store large-sized files without any hassle. However, when it comes to sharing files over the web, we come across several difficulties because of the limitation imposed on the size of files that can be uploaded. This issue is faced by people mainly with PDFs, as they con...

2 - Benefits of Combining PDF Documents

ديسمبر 1st, 2021 by

Portable Document Format, often called PDF, is one of the most preferred document formats all over the globe. Especially when it comes to sharing information over the web, people use this format for sending confidential information to their colleagues, instructors, or supervisors. In addition, the compact size, multi-platform support, and other unique features make this document format the first choice of millions of people for managing their documents.
