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Unique & Original Content Boost Search Ranking

Views icon 6000 zhlédnutí Read icon 5 minut na přečtení Category icon Category: Content Writing Tips Date icon Červen 24, 2021

Google rankings are the pinnacle for the success of online businesses. According to a survey, the first result on Google gets around 31% of all the clicks. While the second page only receives 0.78% clicks. Established search engine optimizers and newbies are always in the quest of trying out new methods to unlock the secret mantra of getting rank on the search engine result page. There are plenty of methodologies that can assist you in carrying out the chore of boosting your search ranking. All you need is to possess creativity, dedication, persistence, and resourcefulness. It is due to the fact that Google’s algorithm changes at a rapid pace. However, there’s no magic in getting yourself ranked in the SERP. All you need is to follow some simple steps for boosting the ranking. It has always been said that content is the king of the online market. Therefore, you will have to produce high-quality and original content for this purpose. 


Most people draw a line between content marketing and search engine optimization. However, SEO and content marketing are more or less interconnected and complement each other. Unique and original content is what the audience is always looking for, and that’s the reason Google and other search engines prefer to rank websites that have published high-quality and original content. Let’s get to know-how, unique, and quality content can boost your search engine ranking. 


Unique Content Generates High CTR 


The CTR of a website is indispensable because Google considers it to be a crucial factor in ranking your website. The more users click on a webpage, the more are the chances to get rank on the search engine result page. The more useful and original content you’re offering to the users, the more likely they are to click on your links. Along with that, your page title and meta description should also be unique and attractive. It will work as a magnet for the users. Your page titles and meta descriptions must also be specific and relevant for grabbing the attention of your targeted audience. 


Original Content Helps in Generating Backlinks 


No one would ever deny the fact that backlinks are essential for ranking web pages in the SERP. Google still considers inbound links to be a determining factor in the ranking of a website. High-Quality backlinks indicate credibility and trust for Google. We must check site backlinks to maintain their quality. It is for sure that the more high-quality backlinks you have, the higher you are going to rank on the search engine result page. But for getting high-quality backlinks, you will need to generate original and quality backlinks. Content that does not contain any instances of plagiarism has the potential to get rank in the SERP. Therefore, if you want backlinks from high-authority websites, then put your efforts into generating original and fresh content. 


How does Google evaluate Content? 


Digital marketers are well-versed that offering consistent and high-quality content in its nature is the need to get rank on the search engine result page. However, it is quite a trick to stay in the loop. It is due to the fact that quality is subjective, and no one could set a parameter to decide what quality content actually looks like. However, for sure, Google determines the quality of content by measuring its originality and uniqueness. Google also looks at the length of the content. However, the most basic thing that Google and other search engines determine is the originality of the content. 


Original Content Builds Loyalty in Audience 


Original content also develops loyalty in your audience. If you are providing content that is worth sharing and original, then it is for sure that you will surely be able to build a loyal audience for your brand. Google also ranks content that has more frequent visitors from the same IP address. It helps Google know that you are providing quality content and that the audience is getting satisfied with the stuff you’re providing. 


Duplicate Content Detector 


A plagiarism checker is an essential utility for search engine optimizers. It helps them to detect plagiarism before even publishing the content on the website. The tool assists them from getting penalized by Google and other search engines. Therefore, if you are a newbie to content marketing and SEO, then you need to use a plagiarism detector to prevent your website from being penalized. 


Final Words 


In the last analysis, unique and original content is the baseline of search engine optimization. If you are publishing duplicated content, then you would be surely penalized by Google and other search engines, respectively. Therefore, producing high-quality content is in need of time. You can use a reliable and trustworthy plagiarism detector to ensure that there are no instances of duplication.

Content marketing isn’t just about producing stuff randomly. It extends itself to a far wider approach. You will have to take care of the originality and quality of content to make sure that you can rank on the search engine result page (SERP). 

