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4500 Dilihat | 8 Menit Membaca
How to Become a Professional Writer: A Complete Gu...
Do you have a passion for writing and want to pursue it as a career? Excellent Choice!   But, I have a piece of goo...
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8000 Dilihat | 6 Menit Membaca
Can Your Birthday Predict Your Future?
There are numerous mysteries in the life of human beings that they want to unveil; the future is the one that dominates all of them. It has been proved from various researches that people of ancient...
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7000 Dilihat | 5 Menit Membaca
Quoting, Paraphrasing and Summarizing: Difference ...
Whether you are a student, teacher, researcher, or working in a corporate sector, you will have to deal with a lot of written work. You would agree that writing isn't as simple as many people feel. ...
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6000 Dilihat | 10 Menit Membaca
TikTok is one of the best video creating and sharing platforms available on the internet. As a result, it was the most downloaded app in 2020. Since then, its boom has started, and every day more an...
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3500 Dilihat | 5 Menit Membaca
How to See Who’s Stolen Your Photos (And What to...
In this digital world, everything published for public use can be accessed by anyone, even copycats and thieves. It’s a sad reality that web owners don’t have security measures that can prevent ...
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7500 Dilihat | 7 Menit Membaca
4 Reasons Your Website Isn’t Ranking
When it comes to improving your website’s ranking on search engine result pages, you need to take the SEO game seriously and work on various factors for making that possible. You might be looking ...