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Improve your Keyword Rankings on SERP

Views icon 756 Views Read icon 7 Mins To Read Category icon Category: SEO Date icon August 20, 2020

The ultimate goal for every Search Engine Optimizer is to take their website on the top of the search engine result pages for the top keywords related to their website that have high search volume and cost per click (CPC). Taking your site to a top rank for particular keywords isn’t an easy job. This whole process involves several intricacies, and some tips and white hat SEO tactics should be implemented to get the desired results.

In this technological world, professionals have developed smart utilities for people working in different fields to make their lives efficient and smarter. The people who are worried about their position on SERP should know that the Google keyword rank checker is a smart web-based utility that can help them in improving their keyword ranking position on SERP. Let’s dig into how a keyword ranking tool can assist you on the journey for improved rankings.


Conducting Keyword Analysis


The initial step for getting your site on top for a particular search term is by conducting a detailed analysis of it. A keyword analysis isn’t a difficult process anymore as there are several keyword related tools available on the web to make the whole mess a piece of cake. The website keyword rank checker is one of those tools that can help you in figuring out the exact current ranking of your website for any keyword you put in for checking. By figuring out your website’s current position for particular search terms with this advanced tool, you can get an exact idea of how much improvement your site needs to improve ranking.


Rank Comparison with Competitors


Carrying out competitive analysis is another tricky yet essential task to accomplish for SEOs. Website keyword rank checker isn’t an ordinary tool as it allows its users to check keywords ranking with competitors’ site positions on SERP. Keeping an eye on the competitors’ rankings is also essential if you wish to see the betterment in your website’s ranking. It is necessary because you are not alone in the race of achieving the top position as every web owner has the same desire. You cannot work on improving the keyword ranking unless you are fully aware of how much competition you have to beat to achieve that first rank.


 Don’t Forget the Groundwork!


Alongside using smart tools like free keyword rank checker, it is also essential to groundwork on the basics of your website. By simply adjusting keywords at the right positions of your content isn’t enough to rank well on Google. It is also essential to follow the best SEO practices instead of just focusing on keywords and their rankings. You might find several blogs on the web that guide users towards the best SEO practices, but going through the webmaster guidelines of Google is the safest approach.

The on-page and off-page SEO of your website carries great importance because their accurate implementation improves user experience, which leads a website towards better ranking. Alone focusing on keywords will be of no good for your website.


Keyword Rank Tracker by SearchEngineReports.net


Multiple platforms are providing the free keyword rank checkers on the web. Some provide this service for free, while others ask you to purchase the premium version. Searchenginereports.net is providing a free keyword rank checker that offers high-quality service without charging a penny. Check keywords ranking of your and your competitor websites with ease. The tool on this website is of premium quality and absolutely free of cost. Some distinctive features that make it the best tool for boosting keyword ranking are as follows:


Tracking and Comparing


Alongside tracking the rank of your keywords, you can compare it with competitors’ rank at the same time with this web-based tool. This rank tracker allows its users to track down the ranking of up to 10 keywords at a single time. Combined with it, you can enter up to 3 competitors’ sites in the same search to track and compare your rank with competitors without wasting even a minute.


No Time or Tracking Limit


This utility is available round the clock for everyone around the globe. There is no specific limit at which users can track their keywords ranking. Plus, this tool isn’t free for a limited time or tracking queries, as you can use it countless times.




The online utilities can be of great help for everyone, just like website keyword rank checker is for SEOs and website owners. Using this tool regularly alongside implementing white hat SEO tactics on your website can ultimately help you achieve what you are looking for. Get your hands on this tool now and start tracking and comparing keywords rankings.

