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Website Ping Tool: A Revolution in the World of Internet

Views icon 1001 Views Read icon 4 Mins To Read Category icon Category: Ping URL Date icon November 14, 2018

A well-designed and well-ranked website is becoming a backbone for each business. Without a blog or website, your online presence can be a real challenge. A site can connect you with international customers and allows you to expand your business without incurring extra expense. Hold down because these dreams will not come true if search engines don’t notice your website. You can’t be a part of a ranking if Google spiders don’t crawl your site.

Ping website tool: Can it really help?

Ping Tool

There is nothing to worry about because you can invite these spiders (Google bots) to your website or blog by pinging it. To ping your site, you have the best website ping tool. It is an easy way to inform bots that your website has something new. Google spiders always hunt for new information to update its database. They will immediately respond to your invitation.

Right Time to Ping

Ping Google

After creating a new website, you have to enter its URL in the ping website tool. The bots will crawl this website and discover it. After discovering a website, Google will start indexing to understand the content of a site, videos, and images. The information becomes a part of a gigantic database of Google.

You have to index each new page of your site. After updating your site, you have to ping this updated page. It will increase the speed of indexing and make your site a part of Google’s database. Online ping website tool helps you to get organic traffic as soon as possible.

Instead of waiting for several months for indexing, send a manual invitation to search engine bots to become a part of an online database. Pinging a website will help you to increase the benefits of your SEO efforts. Try it today & you will see positive results.
