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Improve your Website’s Ranking on Search Engines Apart from Google

Views icon 821 Views Read icon 7 Mins To Read Category icon Category: SEO Date icon February 19, 2020

The majority of the site owners primarily focus on improving their site’s SEO for achieving a top ranking in Google’s search engine result pages. You can take help from our keyword rank checker to check your keyword position on Google. The mistake you are making here is of leaving out and not paying any heed to other search engines. No doubt, Google owns the majority of the search engines’ market share, but some people are using Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, and many other search engines for finding results to their search queries. The SEO of your website and its pages should cover and help you rank on all search engines. So, instead of only focusing on Google SEO, you have to look forward to other search engines as well. 

In this blog, we will help you discover the negative consequences on your site if you focus only on improving your SEO for Google. Plus, we will also help you with some smart tips that can assist you in improving your SEO for other search engines. Let’s get started.

Effects of Not Focusing on Other Search Engines’ SEO

Poor Rankings

Even if your website pages are topping the SERPs of Google, it doesn’t mean that their ranking on other search engines will also be the same. If you haven’t paid attention to these search engines SEO, then there is a possible chance that your site isn’t ranking anywhere on the first or second page of the results. 

Target Audience Preference

How can you be so sure that all the traffic that your site can attract is from the clicks through Google searches? Well, nobody can give 100% surety about it as the searchers are completely unpredictable. Yes, you can conduct marketing analysis, but you cannot get into the minds of the people at the time they are looking for something relevant to your niche. Hence, your entire focus on Google might destroy your hopes of attracting maximum traffic.

Market Share of Google is Outnumbered in Many Countries

You might think it’s rubbish, but it is actually true! Your website’s potential visitors might be living in any corner of the world; hence, you have to put equal efforts on the SEO for other search engines. That’s because Google withdrew from China, and the prominent search engine used there is Baidu. China has around 840 million internet users, and if you don’t want your site to lose potential visitors, then you must work on other search engines SEO as well.

Tips to Improve SEO for Bing and Yahoo

The ranking algorithms of Bing and Yahoo are almost similar, and below are some tips to improve your SEO for them.

Social Signals Over Backlinks:

Google takes backlinks, pointing toward a page into consideration for analyzing its credibility and value to other sites so that it can rank it accordingly. However, that’s not the case with Bing and Yahoo as they give priority to the signals arriving from social media sites to a website. If your site is shared widely among the social platforms by your visitors, then it has a great chance of achieving a good position in Bing’s and Yahoo’s search results.

Simple Keywords:

Your SEO for Bing and Yahoo can improve if you focus on carrying out proper keyword research. This research can be easily done by the free keyword research tool. Here, you can’t go with the same strategy as you go for Google, as Bing and Yahoo prefer straightforward keywords. On the contrary, Google makes you focus on searcher intent and semantic, which is completely useless if you want to rank in Bing and Yahoo. You should always track your keywords and their rankings as well.

Engaging Content:

Yes! It’s the demand of every search engine. The blog posts and other articles you upload on your site should be of high-quality. The content should be informative, unique, and tend to draw the attention of visitors. The low-quality or plagiarized content is disliked by all search engines, now most of the writers prefer to use the best online plagiarism checker by searchenginereports.net. And, if you don’t want your site to get blacklisted, then you should avoid and remove bad pieces of content from your website’s pages.

The Bottom Line…

When you are invested in working on your website’s SEO, you should keep in mind that Google isn’t the only search engine that users may use to reach your site. You can read the negative consequences of not focusing on other search engines’ SEO and focus on the tips provided to enhance SEO for Yahoo and Bing. After Google, Yahoo, and Bing are the most used search engines; hence, you shouldn’t leave them out. 

Also, see as searchenginereports.net has come up with a blog that contains tips for doing an effective keyword search in 2020.
