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Reverse Image Search A Time Savior

Views icon 3212 Views Read icon 5 Mins To Read Category icon Category: Reverse Image Search Date icon February 26, 2019

Circumstances can be twisted when you search image of yourself somewhere else on the internet. Something similar happened to me, I used to save pictures in my social account, and they were set to public for the people who visited my page. So that people can see my work and hire me if they feel my work is better than others. A few months passed everything was going quite smooth until I found pictures taken by me somewhere else. I never thought someone else would either pretend to be me or steal and publish my content as his own work. Well, this short story is to add to your knowledge that if you are taking images and posting over the internet, then you should really search for your own work using the reverse image search.

image search

This tool can not only find images over the internet but also if you are looking for something like an item present on some site you don’t know about, but you have the picture of the thing you want to find. This image search tool can look for any photo you throw at it and will show you the results in a matter of seconds. I once got a picture of the camera that I wanted to buy with a reasonable price tag, and I couldn’t find the camera with such a price over the internet I tried every search engine but all in vain. While search over Google I found an option saying try reverse image search which allowed me to get what I was looking for. Search by image gave me the exact image in return with a website URL. Unfortunately, the sale had ended, but I was able to find what I wanted to.

So if you have an image of something you want, but can’t find it then the image finder can help you look for it. The best part about this tool is you can find anything over the internet with the help of just a picture it can be the name of a celebrity, it can be an item you want to buy, or it can be your own image. If you want to know on how many sites your picture is present on or you want to know about your favorite foods recipe you can just by uploading the image of the food.

Benefits of this tool:

This tool has more to offer than you can think…

  1. You can find images source where was it uploaded originally by having a look at the time stamp or the date of uploads of similar images according to the databases.
  2. If you have a picture with low resolution and are looking for a better one to add it your work then either upload or provide the link of the image and the tool will do its magic.
  3. If you have security concerns about your pictures present on social media all you have to do is use this tool to find if your images are present somewhere else on the internet.
  4. Any item you are looking for that you want to buy but can’t find the exact location of the sale let this tool be of some great use.

Photo search, the way it works:

It works similar to a text search, for example, the way you search for something like a story, poetry or any written stuff you type in the search engine and it shows result based on all the indexed sites in its database. Similar is the work of reverse image search all you have to do is give it a picture, and it will look for images in the databases of all search engines by comparing items present in the picture to those billions. It will show you the results in a matter of seconds.

Say if you have a cropped image and are looking for pictures with a better resolution this tool will look for similar images everywhere over the internet to provide you with what you are looking for. Plus, if you found an image present on the internet that has useful information but with incomplete content what you have to do is provide the link of the image with incomplete content to reverse image lookup and let it take care of the rest.

Photo Search

Image Search, a free tool:

Products present on the internet are never free to use, but this fantastic tool is free because it not only helps in your security but also takes care of your needs by searching and providing you with the best results. Find a free picture finder today, and find all the similar images.
