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Top Ten Ways To Optimize Your Website

Views icon 1231 Views Read icon 5 Mins To Read Category icon Category: Free SEO Tools Date icon February 23, 2019

The most frequently asked question is how to start optimization for a new site. It isn’t difficult and anyone with a little knowledge about the internet can do it. Producing content for your website I know is not an easy task but if you know what you are doing all you have to do is add your experience to your very own words. You should prioritize writing for the people who will visit your page instead of search engines and there are some steps that you can follow to complete both these tasks in one time. 

If you already know what you are offering and have the experience in this particular field, then you know what customers are looking for but try doing a little research for the most used keywords in search engines. The long tail keywords, however, are preferred because they explain what a user actually wants.

  • Look for Results In The Search Engines

Try finding what’s trending and give people something they crave for. Ask search engines what people are looking for and see if you can offer them those products or services. Once you have found your keywords all you need to do is use them in a search engine, find your competitors and look for how and what they are doing in the online market. These searches will give you enough information to write by yourself.

Search engine optimization

  • Choose A Relevant Title

This may be the toughest part for you because the title is the first impressions and can be your last too. Including a keyword in a title would get that post boosted in the SERP and if your post contains quality content then in no time your page will be receiving the right amount of traffic.

  • Add Keyword to Your Domain Name

The most important part, try finding a domain name that has your keyword in it. This will not only tell help search engines understand about what your site contains but is going to give you a better chance to rise up in the search engine page results as well.

  • Your Heading Must Include Long Tail Keywords

Instead of going through the whole content people like to read subtitles. If they find it interesting then for sure they will go through the entire content. It makes it easier for everyone to see what they are looking for.

Using your primary keyword in the name of the image or in the ALT attribute will allow search engines to index them properly with the content. So, if your pictures elaborate your work or items, use them where you can but don’t use large size images because it might not load quickly for the people who still have a slow internet connection.

  • Internal Linking

Using other’s links in your websites gives your site a better chance to be crawled. The reason is when the bots find links of sites with a good rank posted on others it tries to see the similarity looks for updated content. If your website contains some modernize material then there’s a chance it might be added to the Google news as well.

  • A Meta Description

A description not only for the search engines but for surfers as well. This short description is displayed under the link of your site in SERP. It allows people to see if the content of the site is useful or not, whether they should give it a visit or not. People mostly click on the very first link of the SERP because it is mostly similar to what people are searching for.

Internet Marketing

  • Link Your Content

If one of your website pages covers one topic then you can add a small description with a link to another page to your other content and this can revolve around your website. It will connect all your pages and there is no way that crawlers miss any page of your site.

  • Categorize Your Posts

Categories is what people look for the most in content. You can easily group several similar posts together. Adding a small suitable heading would be a good idea this will tell people what the next category contains or what is it about. This will not only save their time but will keep some posts to read for later as well.
