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Top 3 Ways Of Improving Your Google Ranking

Views icon 3234 Views Read icon 4 Mins To Read Category icon Category: Free SEO Tools Date icon March 5, 2019

Every business in the industry wants to increase its market share, similarly, on the internet, every website wishes to enhance its online visibility. Many will look for shortcuts, but the truth is that accomplishing SEO is more of a long-time game and the things which promise you quick results must be greeted with doubt.

This writing will particularly improve your vision by breaking down the measures required to help you become more visible in the Google SERPs.

If you are curious about the strategies that can help you increase your online visibility then keep reading.

The Time Required to Boost Google Rankings

Without any ado, the definitive answer to your question of how much time is required for SEO is that it depends. This might seem like an excuse and a little frustrating, but it is the reality.

Every scenario of search engine optimization offers you a distinctive set of variables as it does not merely occur in a vacuum. The level of competition you face, budget, skills, and the way your website behave against the competitive sites all can play a huge role in deciding the speed enhancement in your Google ranking.

Keeping all these things in mind, let’s move to what can you do to make the results happen sooner instead of later.

Rank well on Google

Constant Improvement Is Significant

In March 2018 during the Google webmaster central office hours’ hangout, the question related to how much time is needed to see the increase in your ranking of webpage came up. A senior webmaster trends analyst of Google stated that the process takes some time. This is because the algorithms of search engines have to examine the evaluation of your site again after you make changes into your page. Because of the different factors in play, you must not expect a rapid change in SERPs.

Furthermore, he also affirmed that even if you make some massive changes into your webpage functionality and design, you still will have to wait for a couple of months or a year to see the impact or improvement. Along with it, he also warned that just making some drastic changes and expecting the results is not the right approach, and you must keep on working on your page to reach the ultimate goal.

Consistency and hard work is the key here. There are some ways by which you can make your page rank in the top 10 search engine rankings. Let’s review them.

How to Boost Your Google Rankings?

Accomplishing the top 10 SERPs in less than a year requires a lot of skills, hard work, and luck too. If you want to improve the number of conversions and sales by reaching the first page of Google for your site, here are the measures you should take.

  • Begin with a Sound Foundation

Bad information architecture along with poor webpage structure can cause downfall for even the best search engine optimization campaigns. If your internet page is hard for Google to crawl and visitors to navigate, then the ranking of your page will suffer.

For that, you must think about the usability first on the smartphone platform. This will lead you to success.

  • Fix Replicated Article

Issues of replicated articles are most of the time relevant to the technical aspects. The one which is most common is posting several versions of one page.

You can resolve it by setting the correct rules of redirection in your .htaccess file.

  • Optimize For Smartphones

Google in 2016 rolled out the mobile-first indexing, so keeping that in mind your webpage first is required to the pass the Mobile-friendly test. To make sure you do not face mobile ranking meltdown you must work on your mobile performance.

Do pictures of your site increase the loading time?

Do your viewers have to scroll endlessly to see the service you are offering?

Soon Google will also use page speed as a mobile search ranking factor. So, you must double up your effort on this factor too.

  • Speed Optimization

For desktops as well as mobiles you must continuously examine the speed and must keep enhancing it.

The use of a Google page speed test tool can help you to monitor your performance.

Here is how you can execute speed optimization: Before uploading the picture, you must compress the size of the image.

All these tips will enable you to improve the ranking of your site!
