Speech to Text

Speech to text converter uses AI-powered speech recognition that accurately transcribes audio to text. Dictate and see all the text typed with proper formatting.

Click on the microphone icon and begin speaking for as long as you like.

Speech to text is the part of modern technology that allows users to translate voice to text in real time. This technology is based on speech recognition and has great value for people who need to generate a lot of content without getting involved in manual typing. It's also helpful for people who are unable to use keyboards due to some disabilities.

The speech to text converter offered on Searchenginereports.net is a multilingual application that allows the users to convert audio to text. It will assist in minimizing writing efforts significantly. Our tool is free of cost, no download, installation, or registration is required. The users can make as many conversions as they need. Our voice recognition tool is used daily by students, teachers, writers, bloggers around the world. Just click the microphone button and start dictating.

Just follow the simple steps given below:

Step # 1: Access the speech to text tool on Searchenginereports.net

Step # 2: Record the voice in real-time.

Step # 3: Click the Convert to Text button.

Step # 4: The results will be displayed on your screen in a matter of seconds. You can copy the text or save the file on your device with a single click.

Our voice to text converter is the most cost-effective speech recognition solution available without compromising quality. Let's have a look at some amazing features of this tool that helps to transcribe audio to text.

Quality Transcription

The advanced algorithms and state-of-the-art speech recognition technology incorporated within this tool provide users with high-quality audio to text transcription. However, it is essential for the voice to be clear to allow the software to recognize all words and accurately translate voice to text online. We provide our users with 100% accurate results instantaneously.

Deployment Flexibility

Operate sound to text at any time and from any location. No matter whether you are using a smartphone, laptop, desktop, tablet, or Mac device, you can easily use it from anywhere.

Multiple Languages Supported

Our free audio to text converter online supports multiple languages that give its users the freedom of voice transcription in their desired language. Our sound to text application assists you with the transcription of any type of documents, books, reports, or blog posts by using your voice.

Helps People with Typing Difficulties

Many people suffer from Dyslexia which makes typing a difficult chore for them. Our speech to text online is a handy tool for people facing typing difficulties, as they can easily speak and get their required text written without any manual effort.

Minimize Writing Effort

Writing is a tough task, especially for those who need to write thousands of words every day. The talk to text service assists you in minimizing writing effort by letting you speak whatever you need to be written at your convenience. Save your time by speaking instead of typing. Also, check the content's grammar when you've finished writing. Because little grammatical or spelling errors will not only spoil an excellent piece of writing but also distract the reader's attention.

Voice Recognition Accuracy

The best thing about this service is its voice recognition accuracy, as it makes sure to accurately detect the voice of the user and convert it into text without any glitches.

While recording your voice for converting it to text, you might be wondering about how to give language commands. The common commands that will help you generate effective and engaging text are as follows:

1. Punctuation

While dictating, you can speak out the punctuation marks out loud to incorporate them into your text. For instance, you can say, “Dear Maeve comma are you in the office question mark.”

2. New Line

Just like clicking on the enter button takes you to a new line in a text, you can simply say the new line as a command on our free speech to text converter.

3. Stop Dictation

By saying stop dictation, you can pause your sound to text conversion at any time.

4. Go to (Start/End) of Document

The mp3 to text converter allows you to easily navigate your document by giving the command of “Go to (start/end) of the document.”

5. Select Paragraph

You can give the command of selecting a specific paragraph in your content with our voice to text online utility.

Inserting punctuation marks isn’t as difficult as it seems. The user simply needs to say out loud the required punctuation mark while dictating text on this sound to text converter. You can pronounce the punctuations in the following ways:

Punctuation Pronunciation
. Period, Full stop
, Comma
; Semicolon
: Colon
- Dash, Hyphen
? Question Mark
! Exclamation Mark, Exclamation Point
( Opened Parenthesis
) Closed Parenthesis

Many people are unwilling to use online facilities due to the fear of losing confidential information. We care about the privacy of the data being shared with us. Our users’ data is automatically removed once they are done with converting and fetching results. Our tool neither keeps your data nor shares it with any third-party websites.


Open our free speech to text online tool. Simply upload a file or press the microphone icon and start dictating. The free speech typing software will begin to recognize your voice and start conversion instantly.

Searchenginereports.net provides you with a free of cost talk to text utility. Use this tool as many times as you desire. If you are not in a mood to read the text aloud then you can take the assistance from text to speech tool.