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Compare your SEO Efforts with Rivals

Ansichtensymbol 1323 Views Lesesymbol 6 Mins To Read Kategoriesymbol Category: SEO Datumssymbol März 2, 2020

Your website’s success is dependent upon how good its SEO is. SEO or search engine optimization is the process of improving a website’s position in search engine result pages to achieve free or organic web traffic. However, you don’t have to focus only on the implementation of SEO tactics on your site. You have to analyze the SEO performance of your competitors as well and make your strategy even better. By doing this, you will be able to outclass them and achieve the first position in SERP. 

SearchEngineReports have hundreds of Kostenlos SEO-Tools, and among them, there are some advanced utilities that can help you measure your SEO efforts and compare them with the competitors’ sites SEO. Hence, in this blog, we will let you know about these tools that don’t require much of an effort and don’t even charge a penny.

Let’s Get Started!

Keyword Research Tool

As an SEO, you would already know the significance of keywords for achieving a top rank in SERP. But do you have researched your keywords in-depth? Do you know their search volume or competition level? Well, even if you haven’t done such an analysis, now is the time! 

With the keyword research tool, you can enter your main keywords (one by one) to find out their competition level, cost-per-click, and search volume. You can find the same information for the main keywords of your competitors’ sites, and after that, comparisons can be drawn, and you can work on revising your keyword strategy.

SEO Keyword Competition Analysis

There can be hundreds of websites ranking against a single keyword, and if your website is one of them, then it’s time to conduct keyword competition analysis. SER has the perfect solution for you as its SEO keyword competition analysis tool helps you find out the top 10 pages ranking against your entered keyword. That’s quite easy to acquire information, but against each URL, it provides Alexa rank, page rank, Dmoz rank, and age of the domain. This information will let you know how your competitor sites are surpassing your site in the search engine results.

Pro Tip: Search Engine Reports also allows you to check keyword position for multiple keywords at different locations for free.

Keyword Competition Checker

If you have recently established a website, then instead of focusing on popular keywords, your focus should be on targeting keywords that have less competition. It’s because the industry giants are already ranking for the main keywords, and it’s tough to beat them. You can get hands-on such information with the help of a keyword competition checker. By placing a keyword in this tool, you will be able to find out the exact keyword match, broad keyword match, allintitle, and much more. By analyzing this information for several keywords, the task of finding low competition keywords becomes much easier.

Backlink Checker

Now, as we move on from keywords, the next vital thing for your website’s SEO is backlinks. In a nutshell, the backlinks pointing towards a URL are taken as signals by search engines to decide its fortune (position in SERP). With the backlink checker tool, you can analyze the backlink profile of your site and compare it with the competitors’ sites backlink profile. This information will let you understand how strong or weak is your backlink strategy.

Backlink Competitors

SER tends to make your life easier; therefore, it has a backlink competitors checker tool that can save your time and efforts in finding out who are the main backlink competitors for your site. By placing your site’s URL in this smart utility, you will be able to figure out the top 20 backlink competitors. Not only this, but the tool will also provide you authority score, competition level, number of backlinks, common referral domains, and trust score of each competitor site identified.

The bottom line is…

How can you compare your SEO efforts on this amazing website? These tools have a user-friendly interface, and there are no charges or intricate procedures associated with them. SEO is the key to success for your website, and keywords and backlinks are its core elements. Hence, it’s mandatory to keep a close eye on your SEO and compare it with competitors.

Also Read: Improve your Website’s Ranking on Search Engines Apart from Google
