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Comment-la-compression-d'image-aide-t-elle-à-améliorer-la-santé-et-la-vitesse-du-référencement-d'un-site-Web ?

Icône de vues 367 Views Icône de lecture 5 minutes à lire Icône de catégorie Catégorie : Outils de référencement gratuits Icône de date 12 septembre 2020

Images are one of the most essential components of a website. The visitors that usually come to your site should get some appealing content; otherwise, it would be challenging for you to hold them for an extended period. According to a research, people mostly like or dislike a website within 8 seconds. So, you need to use adequate content and images that can increase your website’s traffic.

Compression d'image is very significant to improve the SEO of your site. You might have an idea that up to 90% of our brain storage depends on our visuals. So, the websites that have appealing and meaning-full images will grab more attention from people. That’s why cropping is necessary to remove the unwanted part of an image or picture. It could easily be done by a crop image tool.

For instance, if you try to recall the last online shopping site you have visited, the images, layout, and formatting of the website would be the first thing that comes into your mind.

The primary purpose of having all the attractive images and a colorful schema on your site is to gain people’s attention, and the ultimate goal is to get more visitors on the website.


Why Does Compression d’image Matters?

Compress image files not only for SEO but it also plays a vital role in the success of a website. You might have seen many sites that take a considerable time to load due to the unmanaged images. It will also affect all your efforts to increase the traffic on your website because people don’t like any such site that takes much time and consumes their broadband data.

The other main reasons for image compression in SEO are as follows:

  • Loading Time

As discussed earlier, if the images are not compressed appropriately, it will increase the loading time of a web page. The visitors usually get offended by this and start looking for alternative options, which will affect your site’s reputation. Moreover, you may also have an idea that speed is also one of the ranking factors considered by Google. That’s why leading websites pay significant attention to optimize the image size not to lose their visitors.

  • Search through Images

As we all know, recherche d'images has become a widespread phenomenon, and people mostly adopt this method to find various brands and their favorite products. So, it becomes essential to use optimized images to get a good ranking on image search engine pages.

  •  Increase the Click Ratio

We are living in a world where almost everyone is using social media. That’s why leading websites also use social media platforms to grab the attention of people, and this task involves usage of high-quality images. According to a survey, people mostly click on posts that include pictures. So, we can easily evaluate that image compression is essential to quickly upload an image over the web and make your web pages more responsive.


Use an Online Tool to Compress your Images for SEO

With the advancement in technology, now you don’t have to install a massive size application on your device to compress your images. Moreover, you don’t have to go through any hassle of using any conventional method to reduce the size of an image. You can use an online Compresseur d'image that can assist you in squeezing the size of your images. Many leading sites, such as, provide you with a fantastic online tool that can help you to compress image to 20kb within no time. You don’t have to make an account or go through any tedious sign-up process to use this online photo size compressor.

However, some other things must be kept in mind while using an image on your site. Giving a proper title to your image that must have the main keyword of the post or your web pages would be a great approach. This will help your images in getting higher rank in Google Image search results. Also, the relevance of the images is crucial in improving the SEO of your website.


The Bottom Line

Images are a significant part of your website that can increase the popularity and organic traffic of your site. However, it is mandatory for you to compress the size of your images before uploading it over the web. The reasons discussed above might help you to understand the significance of image compression for SEO of your site. You can reduce image file size online by using the compresseur d’images from any part of the planet without any hurdle.
